Legal Notice
Information according to § 5 (German Teleservices Act)
Responsible for the Site Content
- Zenker & Partner
- Ferdinandstr. 21
- 12209 Berlin
- Tel. 030 76 80 55 00
- Fax 030 76 80 55 01
- Mail info@kieferorthopaedie-zenker.de
- Web www.kieferorthopaedie-zenker.de
Occupational Title
Orthodontist (acquired in the Federal Republic of Germany)
Competent Supervisory Authority
- Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Berlin
- Georg-Wilhelm-Str. 16, 10711 Berlin
- Tel. 030 890 04 0
- Fax 030 890 04 102
- Mail kontakt@kzv-berlin.de
- Web www.kzv-berlin.de
- Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Berlin (Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists) is a legal entity under public law
Competent Chamber
- Zahnärztekammer Berlin, Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
- Stallstraße 1, 10585 Berlin
- Tel. 030 348 08 0
- Fax 030 348 08 240
- Mail info@zaek-berlin.de
- Web http://www.zaek-berlin.de/
Professional Regulations
- - Dentistry Law
- - Berlin Chamber Law
- - Schedule of Fees for Dentists
- - Code of Ethics for Dentists
- The latest versions of these laws and regulations for the Federal Land of Berlin can be accessed on the website of the Berlin Dental Association. http://www.zaek-berlin.de.
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Pro Patient Medien GmbH (www.propatient-medien.de) © 2025